The movie follows “Ace” who is sent by the mafia to a hotel and casino in Las Vegas to oversee the running of it. The pair have actually worked on and produced 8 other films which are still considered some of the best movies of all time. The main character is Sam “Ace”Rothstein, played by none other than the infamous Robert De Niro. Martin Scorsese directs the film and as we all know he is in a league of his own.
Thanks goes to Universal Studios for giving us this epic crime film with a star studded cast. As you may have already realised, there are far too many movies to list here so we’re just going to stick to a few of the favourites and the ones that really stand out.Īn apt title indeed, the movie is actually an adaption of the book Casino Love and Honour in Las Vegas. In this article we are going to take a look at some of the most popular movies in history and let you decide on which one takes the title as the best gambling movie ever to be released.